Technical Advisory Committee

Charge for the TAC

The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for Minnesota’s Distance-Based Fee (DBF) Demonstration is established to advise the DBF Project Team, provide guidance on policy and technical issues, and to be an informed constituency in DBF discussions with the public and policy makers. The project is federally funded and authorized by Congress and may contribute to related efforts in the state of Minnesota and to national and international research on this subject.

Potential DBF Discussion Topics

The TAC will consider such issues as:

  • Implications of social and geographical equity related to distance-based fees
  • Maintenance and protection of motorist and subscriber data and privacy
  • Measures of feasibility to be tested as a viable distance-based fee model, i.e., cost of collection, scalability, security, enforcement and compliance, public acceptance, etc.
  • Communications to stakeholders and key messages to be delivered
  • Rate setting including consideration of variable rates and categories or rate differentiation
  • Connections to other existing and innovative initiatives within Minnesota
  • Integration with MnDOT Sustainability and Connected and Automated Vehicle initiatives

TAC Membership Expectations

  • Participate in (maximum) 2-hour TAC meetings every 2-3 months; 4-5 TAC meetings over the next 15 months
  • Participate in two Rethinking Transportation Finance Roundtable discussions
  • Review an estimated 5 work products, including 6 white papers developed by the project team
  • Provide guidance and advice on policy and technical issues surrounding distance-based fees
  • Represent your agency/organization's perspective


Organization Members
Minnesota Department of Transportation Scott Peterson
Minnesota Department of Revenue Glen Kleven
Minnesota Department of Public Safety Tony Anderson
Craig Plummer
Minnesota Management and Budget Liz Connor
Shawn Kremer
Minnesota IT Services Paul Weinberger
Metropolitan Council Nick Thompson
City of Minneapolis

Kathleen Mayell

City of St. Paul Bill Dermody
Russ Stark
The Transportation Alliance Margaret Donahoe
Drive Electric (Great Plains Institute)

Brendan Jordan

Nice Ride Minnesota Bill Dossett
University of Minnesota,
Center for Transportation Studies
Dawn Hood
Laurie McGinnis
Association of Counties Emily Murray